יוצר: Ventox
גירסא: 1.0
תיאור: עוזר לנהל את ההתחברות לQAUTH
הפעלה: קליק ימני ו QAuth Helper
קוד: בחר הכל
;;;;;;;; QAuth Dialog ;;;;;
dialog QAuth {
title "Q Auth Helper [/QAuth]"
size -1 -1 107 96
option dbu notheme
check "Auto Auth On Connect to QuakeNet", 1, 5 50 100 10
text "Auth name:", 2, 5 5 29 8
edit "", 3, 36 5 69 10
text "Auth pass:", 4, 5 16 29 8
edit "", 5, 36 17 69 10, pass
button "Auth me", 6, 77 28 28 12
box "Settings", 8, 2 41 104 43
check "Auto IP Hider (mode $me +x)", 9, 5 60 100 10
button "IP Hider", 7, 49 28 28 12
button "Reset", 10, 20 28 28 12
edit "", 11, 2 85 103 10, read
check "Remember me", 12, 5 71 100 10
on *:dialog:QAuth:init:*: {
if (%QAuth.username) { did -a $dname 3 %QAuth.username }
if (%QAuth.password) { did -a $dname 5 %QAuth.Password }
if (%QAuth.AutoAuth == ON) { did -c $dname 1 }
if (%QAuth.AutoIPHider == ON) { did -c $dname 9 }
if (%QAuth.Rememberme == ON) { did -c $dname 12 }
if (!%QAuth.username) || (!%QAuth.password) { did -b $dname 6 }
on *:CONNECT: {
if ($network == QuakeNet) && (*.quakenet.org iswm $server) {
if (%QAuth.AutoAuth == ON) && (%QAuth.Username) && (%QAuth.Password) { .msg Q@CServe.quakenet.org AUTH %QAuth.Username %QAuth.Password }
on *:dialog:QAuth:edit:*: {
if ($did == 3) {
if (%QAuth.Rememberme == ON) { Set %QAuth.Username $did($dname,3) }
if ($did($dname,5)) { did -e $dname 6 }
if ($did == 5) {
if (%QAuth.Rememberme == ON) { Set %QAuth.Password $did($dname,5) }
if ($did($dname,3)) { did -e $dname 6 }
if (!$did($dname,5)) || ($did($dname,3) == $null) { did -b $dname 6 }
on *:dialog:QAuth:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 10) { unset %QAuth.Auto* | did -r $dname 3,5 | did -ra $dname 11 Settings restarted. }
if ($did == 7) { mode $me +x | did -ra $dname 11 IP Hider is ON }
if ($did == 6) { .msg Q@CServe.quakenet.org AUTH $did($dname,3) $did($dname,5) | Set %QAuth.Status ON | did -ra $dname 11 Sending AUTH Details... }
if ($did == 1) { Set %QAuth.AutoAuth $iif(%QAuth.AutoAuth !== ON,ON,OFF) | did -ra $dname 11 Auto Auth: %QAuth.AutoAuth }
if ($did == 9) { Set %QAuth.AutoIPHider $iif(%QAuth.AutoIPHider !== ON,ON,OFF) | did -ra $dname 11 Auto IP Hider is now: %QAuth.AutoIPHider }
if ($did == 12) {
Set %QAuth.Rememberme $iif(%QAuth.Rememberme !== ON,ON,OFF)
if (%QAuth.Rememberme == ON) {
if ($did($dname,3)) { Set %QAuth.Username $ifmatch }
if ($did($dname,5)) { Set %QAuth.Password $ifmatch }
if (%QAuth.Rememberme == OFF) { unset %QAuth.Password | unset %QAuth.Username }
did -ra $dname 11 Remember me is now: %QAuth.Rememberme
alias QAuth { if (!$dialog(QAuth)) dialog -m QAuth QAuth }
on *:NOTICE:*:?: {
if ($nick == Q) && (%QAuth.Status == ON) && ($dialog(QAuth)) && ($1- == Username or password incorrect.) { did -ra QAuth 11 Username or password incorrect. | unset %QAuth.Status }
if ($nick == Q) && (%QAuth.Status == ON) && ($dialog(QAuth)) && (You are now logged in as* iswm $1-) { did -ra $dname 11 $1- | unset %QAuth.Status }
if ($nick == Q) && (%QAuth.Status == ON) && ($dialog(QAuth)) && ($1- == AUTH is not available once you have authed.) { did -ra QAuth 11 You are already authed. | unset %QAuth.Status }
if ($nick == Q) && (You are now logged in as* iswm $1-) { if (%QAuth.AutoIPHider == ON) mode $me +x }
menu * {
QAuth Helper by Ventox { QAuth }