יוצר: XtrAp
גירסא: v1
תיאור: הקוד מאפשר להעיף אנשים שמשתמשים במילים אסורות מהערוץ. את המילים אתם בוחרים.
הפעלה: מקש ימני -> Badwords System. שם אתם יכולים להוסיף מילים, לשנות ערוץ, לשנות את כמות האזהרות לפני באן, להפעיל ולכבות את הסקריפט. בשביל למחוק מילה אתם צריכים ללחוץ עליה פעמיים.
קוד: בחר הכל
on !*:text:*:%bad.ch:{
if (%bad.status == on) && ($me isop #) && ($nick isreg #) {
var %bad.x = 1
while ($gettok(%bad.words,%bad.x,44)) {
if ($v1 isin $1-) {
var %bad.word $v1
inc -u900 %bad. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ]
if (%bad. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ] > %bad.max) ban -ku900 # $nick 2 Banned: Badword detected! ( $+ %bad.word $+ ) No more warning.
else { kick # $nick Badword detected! ( $+ %bad.word $+ ) Warning: $+($v1,/,%bad.max) }
else inc %bad.x
alias bd dialog $iif($dialog(badwords),-v,-m) BadWords BadWords
dialog BadWords {
title "Bad Words"
size -1 -1 71 158
option dbu
list 1, 4 8 63 91, size
button "Turn ON", 3, 40 100 30 9
box "Bad Words List", 2, 2 0 67 100
edit "", 4, 1 100 38 10, disable
button "Add Word", 5, 1 130 38 10
button "Clear list", 6, 40 130 30 10
edit "", 7, 1 110 38 10, disable
button "Change", 9, 40 110 30 9
edit "This Script made by XtrAp", 8, 1 140 68 10, disable
link "www.mIRCs.co.il", 10, 13 150 42 8
edit "", 11, 1 120 38 10, disable
button "Change", 12, 40 120 30 9
on *:dialog:BadWords:*:*:{
if ($devent == init) {
if (%bad.words) {
var %x = 1
while ($gettok(%bad.words,%x,44)) {
did -a $dname 1 $v1
inc %x
did -a $dname 4 Status: $iif(%bad.status == ON,ON,OFF)
did -a $dname 7 Warnings: $iif(%bad.max,$v1,0)
did -ra $dname 3 Turn $iif(%bad.status == ON,OFF,ON)
did -a $dname 11 Ch: %bad.ch
elseif ($devent == dclick) && ($did == 1) {
set %bad.words $remtok(%bad.words,$did(1).seltext,44)
did -d $dname 1 $did(1).sel
elseif ($devent == sclick) {
if ($did == 3) {
set %bad.status $iif(%bad.status == ON,OFF,ON)
did -ra $dname 4 Status: %bad.status
did -ra $dname 3 Turn $iif(%bad.status == ON,OFF,ON)
elseif ($did == 9) {
if ($input(Enter how many warnings before ban:,e,Bad Words Settings)) {
did -ra $dname 7 Warnings: $v1
set %bad.max $v1
elseif ($did == 5) {
if ($input(Insert the word that you want to block,e,Bad Words Settings)) {
set %bad.words $addtok(%bad.words,$v1,44)
did -a $dname 1 $v1
elseif ($did == 6) {
if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear the bad words list?,yq,Bad Words Settings)) {
unset %bad.words
did -r $dname 1
elseif ($did == 12) {
if ($input(Enter the channel pls,e,Bad Words Settings)) {
did -ra $dname 11 Ch: $v1
set %bad.ch $v1
elseif ($did == 10) url -an www.mIRCs.co.il
on *:load: bd
menu * {
Badwords System: bd