יוצר: Sw1ft
גרסה: 0.2
תיאור: Mix Bot, תפקידו לקבוע רנדומלי את השחקנים בקבוצות.
הפעלה: כנסו למירק ולחצו במקלדת ALT + R, לחצו למעלה בצד שמאל File ואז New, תעתיקו את הסקריפט ותאשרו.
קוד: בחר הכל
; Mix Bot v0.2 By Sw1ft
; Date: 24/05/05
; Copright(c) @ #UK.Mix
;;$access owner/remove/give
;; owner = owner
;;give = mix admin
;;remove == remove there admin/owner
;; HF !
on 1:LOAD:{
set %mix.channel $$?=\"Enter you Mix Channel"
set %mix.Server $$?=\"Enter Mix Server IP"
set %owner $$?=\"Enter Owners Nick"
writeini owner.ini %mix.channel $address(%owner,1) owner
unset %team
unset %mix.count
set %mix.map None
set %mix.server None
set %mix.players 5
on 1:TEXT:$($!access*):%mix.channel:{
if ($readini(owner.ini,%mix.channel,$address($nick,1) == owner)) {
if ($2 == Give) {
writeini mix-admins.ini $chan $address($3,1) admin
msg # Done.
mode $chan +v $3
notice $3 You Are now A Mix Admin
if ($2 == remove) {
remini mix-admins.ini %mix.channel $address($3,1)
msg # done.
mode $chan -v $3
notice $3 You Are no Longer A Mix Admin.
if ($2 == owner) {
writeini owner.ini %mix.channel $address($nick,1) owner
mode $chan +o $3
msg # done.
notice $3 you Are Now A Mix Admin !
on 1:JOIN:%mix.channel:{
if ($readini(mix-admins.ini,$chan,$address($nick,1) == admin)) {
mode $chan +v $nick
msg # [- $nick Is A Mix Admin. -]
on 1:TEXT:$($!Start):%mix.channel:{
if ($readini(mix-admins.ini,$chan,$address($nick,1) == admin)) {
if (%mix == on) { notice $nick Mix Allready Active $nick $+ .
else {
amsg [- Mix Has Started @ $chan , Type !add To Play! -]
inc %mix.total
set %mix on
set %mix.admin $nick
topic $chan 7[- Mix Sarted 7][ !add 7/ !remove 7][ Map: %mix.map 7][ Game Type: %mix.game 7][ Team: %team 7][ Total Mixes: %mix.total -7]
notice $nick [- Setup commands: $chr(36) $+ map < Map> ][ $chr(36) $+ game <Game Type> ][ $chr(36) $+ Stop To Stop The Mix! -]
notice $nick /msg $me password <password>
notice $nick [- Commands To Be done In Channel! -]
on 1:TEXT:$($!map*):%mix.channel:{
if ($nick == %mix.admin) {
set %mix.map $2
topic $chan 7[- Mix Sarted 7][ !add 7/ !remove 7][ Map: %mix.map 7][ Game Type: %mix.game 7][ Team: %team 7][ Total Mixes: %mix.total -7]
notice $nick Map Is Set To $2
on 1:TEXT:$($!game*):%mix.channel:{
if ($nick == %mix.admin) {
set %mix.game $2
topic $chan 7[- Mix Sarted 7][ !add 7/ !remove 7][ Map: %mix.map 7][ Game Type: %mix.game 7][ Team: %team 7][ Total Mixes: %mix.total -7]
notice $nick Game Type Is Set To $2
on 1:TEXT:$($!stop):%mix.channel:{
if ($readini(owner.ini,%mix.channel,$address($nick,1) == owner)) {
if ($nick == %mix.admin) {
dec %mix.total
topic $chan 7[- Welcome To %mix.channel 7][ Supported By #United-Kingdom 7][ Total Mixes: %mix.total 7][ News: %news -7]
set %mix.map None
unset %mix.count
unset %team
unset %mix.admin
set %mix off
set %team
set %mix.game 0
set %mix.map 0
set %password 0
notice $nick Mix Has Been Stopped.
on *:text:!add*:%mix.channel:{
if (%mix != on) { halt
else {
inc %mix.count
if ($istok(%team, $nick, 32)) { notice $nick You're already In The Mix.
else {
if (%mix.count == %mix.players) {
mode %mix.channel +m
topic %mix.channel 7[- Welcome To %mix.channel 7][ Supported By #United-Kingdom 7][ Total Mixes: %mix.total 7][ News: %news -7]
msg %mix.channel [- Supported By: #United-Kingdom ][ Sponsored By: you? and You? -]
msg %mix.channel [- If you didnt get pass contact the admin: %mix.admin -]
set %mix off
set %team
set %mix.game 0
set %mix.map 0
set %password 0
unset %mix.admin
mode %mix.channel -m
else {
set %team $addtok(%team, $nick, 32)
topic $chan 7[- Mix Sarted 7][ !add 7/ !remove 7][ Map: %mix.map 7][ Game Type: %mix.game 7][ Team: %team 7][ Total Mixes: %mix.total -7]
on 1:TEXT:!remove:%mix.channel:{
if ($istok(%team, $nick, 32)) {
dec %mix.count
set %team $remtok(%team, $nick, 32)
topic $chan 7[- Mix Sarted 7][ !add 7/ !remove 7][ Map: %mix.map 7][ Game Type: %mix.game 7][ Team: %team 7][ Total Mixes: %mix.total -7]
notice $nick Done.
else { notice $nick You Are Not In The Team.
on 1:TEXT:!mixes:%mix.channel:{
msg # Total Mixes: %mix.total
on 1:TEXT:!team:%mix.channel:{
if (%mix) {
msg $chan Current Mix Team: %team
else { halt
alias getip {
var %d = 1
while (%d <= $numtok(%team,32)) {
msg $gettok(%team, %d, 32) [- Mix Has Now Started ][Server: %mix.server ][IP: %password ][ If There Is No Details Here, Please Conatct: %mix.admin ][ Please Join Server Now, Thx ]
inc %d
on 1:TEXT:password*:?:{
if ($readini(owner.ini,%mix.channel,$address($nick,1) == OWNER)) {
if ($readini(mix-admins.ini,$chan,$address($nick,1) == admin)) {
if ($nick isop %mix.channel) {
set %password $2
notice $nick Password Has Been Set.
on 1:TEXT:$($!news*):%mix.channel:{
if ($readini(owner.ini,%mix.channel,$address($nick,1) == OWNER)) {
if (%mix == on) {
/set %news $2-
/topic %mix.channel 7[- Mix Sarted 7][ !add 7/ !remove 7][ Map: %mix.map 7][ Game Type: %mix.game 7][ Team: %team 7][ Total Mixes: %mix.total -7]
elseif (%mix == off) {
/set %news $2-
/topic %mix.channel 7[- Welcome To %mix.channel 7][ Supported By #United-Kingdom 7][ Total Mixes: %mix.total 7][ News: %news -7]
on 1:PART:%mix.channel:{
if ($istok(%team, $nick, 32)) {
/set %team $remtok(%team, $nick, 32)
/topic $chan 7[- Mix Sarted 7][ !add 7/ !remove 7][ Map: %mix.map 7][ Game Type: %mix.game 7][ Team: %team 7][ Total Mixes: %mix.total -7]
on 1:KICK:%mix.channel:{
if ($istok(%team, $nick, 32)) {
/set %team $remtok(%team, $nick, 32)
/ topic $chan 7[- Mix Sarted 7][ !add 7/ !remove 7][ Map: %mix.map 7][ Game Type: %mix.game 7][ Team: %team 7][ Total Mixes: %mix.total -7]
on 1:BAN:%mix.channel:{
if ($istok(%team, $nick, 32)) {
/set %team $remtok(%team, $nick, 32)
/topic $chan 7[- Mix Sarted 7][ !add 7/ !remove 7][ Map: %mix.map 7][ Game Type: %mix.game 7][ Team: %team 7][ Total Mixes: %mix.total -7]
on 1:QUIT:{
if ($istok(%team, $nick, 32)) {
/set %team $remtok(%team, $nick, 32)
/topic $chan 7[- Mix Sarted 7][ !add 7/ !remove 7][ Map: %mix.map 7][ Game Type: %mix.game 7][ Team: %team 7][ Total Mixes: %mix.total -7]
יש למצוא גם: pastebin.php?mode=view&s=26