יוצר: ZxoR
גירסא: ללא תיקוני אנגלית (עדיין)
תיאור: בלאקליסט נחמד וקטן, קל לשימוש וכתוב מקצועי, לא ממש השקעתי בדיאלוג או בקוד, עבודה של חצי שעה בערך... באגים אם יש או אין, אין לי מושג. אם אפילו אם זה עובד לא בדקתי... דווחו אם לא
הפעלה: שימו את הקוד ברימוט, ולחצן ימני בכל מקום יביא לכם את הדיאלוג.
דרישות: נבדק על מירק 6.31
קוד: בחר הכל
; Blacklist Script - ZxoR 01.07.2011
on *:start: {
return 1
on *:exit: {
hsave blacklist blacklist.hash
on *:load: {
echo -sag BlackList Script has been loaded succsessfuly.
return 1
on !@*:join:#: {
if ($hget(blacklist,$wildsite)) blacklist.ban # $nick $v1
return 1
alias blacklist.loadhash {
if (!$hget(blacklist)) {
hmake blacklist 100
if ($exists(blacklist.hash)) hload blacklist blacklist.hash
return 1
alias blacklist.edit {
if ($1 == add) && (*!*@*.* iswm $2) {
hadd blacklist $2 $iif($3,$3-,None)
blacklist.fullscan -s
return 1
elseif ($1 == delete) && (*!*@*.* iswm $2) {
if ($hfind(blacklist,$2,0)) { hdel blacklist $v1 | return 1 }
return 0
if (!$isid) { echo -cag info /BLACKLIST.EDIT - insufficient/wrong parameters }
return 0
alias blacklist.fullscan {
var %x = 1,%found = 0
while ($chan(%x)) {
var %y = 1,%channel = $v1
if ($me isop %channel) { while ($nick(%channel,%y)) { if ($hget(blacklist,$address($v1,2))) { blacklist.ban %channel $nick(%channel,%y) $v1 | inc %found } | inc %y } }
inc %x
if (!$isid) && ($1 != -s) echo -catg info <BlackList> $+ $chan(0) $+ channel(s) scanned, $+ %found $+ user(s) banned.
alias -l blacklist.ban {
if ((!$2) || ($2 !ison $1) || ($1 !ischan)) && (!$isid) { echo -cag info /BLACKLIST.BAN <#channel> <nickname> | return 0 }
ban -k $1 $2 2 You're found in my blacklist for reason: $3-
return 1
alias -l blacklist.dialog.loadinformation {
did -ra blacklist.dialog 3 $hget(blacklist,$gettok($did(blacklist.dialog,1).seltext,2,32))
alias blacklist.dialog { dialog -m blacklist.dialog blacklist.dialog | return 1 }
menu * {
Blacklist dialog: blacklist.dialog
menu nicklist {
Add $1 to your blacklist: $iif($hget(blacklist,$address($1,2)),echo -cag info <BlackList> This user is already in your blacklist.,/BLACKLIST.edit add $address($1,2) $?="Please enter a blacklist reason for the user $1 below:")
Remove $1 from your blacklist: $iif($hget(blacklist,$address($1,2)),/BLACKLIST.edit delete $address($1,2),echo -cag info <BlackList> This user is not in your blacklist.)
menu channel {
Scan for blacklist: BLACKLIST.fullscan
dialog blacklist.dialog {
title "-> Blacklist manager"
size -1 -1 264 55
option dbu
text "Blacklist Reason:", 2, 1 46 41 8
edit "", 3, 44 45 220 10
button "Add", 4, 227 1 37 12
button "Remove", 5, 227 16 37 12
button "Refresh", 6, 227 31 37 12
list 1, 0 1 226 43, size
on *:dialog:blacklist.dialog:init:0: {
did -b $dname 3
var %x = 1
while ($hget(blacklist,%x).item) { did -a $dname 1 %x $+ ) $v1 | did -e $dname 3 | inc %x }
did -c $dname 1 1
return 1
on *:dialog:blacklist.dialog:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 1) {
elseif ($did == 4) {
var %address = $?="Please enter the address of the blacklisted user with this format: *!*@*.*"
if (*!*@*.* !iswm %address) { noop $input(Error: This address not in this format: *!*@*.*.,ho,Error) | return 0 }
if ($hget(blacklist,%address)) { noop $input(Error: This address is already in the blacklist.,ho,Error) | return 0 }
BLACKLIST.edit add %address $?="Please enter a blacklist reason for the user below:"
noop $input(The address $qt(%address) has been added to the blacklist.,io,Done!)
did -r $dname 1
var %x = 1
while ($hget(blacklist,%x).item) { did -a $dname 1 %x $+ ) $v1 | did -e $dname 3 | inc %x }
did -c $dname 1 1
return 1
elseif ($did == 5) {
did -b $dname 3
hdel blacklist $gettok($did(blacklist.dialog,1).seltext,2,32))
did -r $dname 1
var %x = 1
while ($hget(blacklist,%x).item) { did -a $dname 1 %x $+ ) $v1 | did -e $dname 3 | inc %x }
did -c $dname 1 1
return 1
elseif ($did == 6) {
return 1
on *:dialog:blacklist.dialog:edit:3: {
hadd blacklist $gettok($did(blacklist.dialog,1).seltext,2,32)) $did($dname,3)
return 1