עמוד ראשי מירק סקריפטינג מירק סקריפטינג [עזרה] מוד הגרלות

[עזרה] מוד הגרלות

mIRC Scripting - בפורום זה תינתן תמיכה בסקריפטים וכן גם אפשרות לבקשת סניפטים או תוספים, ניתן גם להציג בפורום זה קודים לפני פירסומם.

משתמש רשום
[עזרה] מוד הגרלות
הצטרף: 19 אוגוסט 2010, 11:48
הודעות: 1
פורסם: 19 אוגוסט 2010, 11:50

מנהל האתר
Re: מוד הגרלות
הצטרף: 29 יוני 2010, 16:19
הודעות: 155
פורסם: 19 אוגוסט 2010, 13:57
==============RLx Lottery Bot==============

on *:load:{
  //set %loto.chan $$?="Enter Channel Name"
  //set %loto.status OFF
  //set %loto.run 0
  /echo -a %color1 Loaded RLx Lottery Successfuly. %color2
  set %loto.rand ON
  /timer 1 1 /join %loto.chan

menu * {
  Lottery Options
  .Set Channel:set %Loto.chan $?="Enter The Lottery Channel Use ( $+ # $+ )"
  .Set Users:set %Loto.Users $?="Enter The Number Of Users You Want."
  .Set Winner?
  ..Yes:set %Loto.winner $?="Enter The Lottery Winner." | set %Loto.rand OFF | echo -a %color1 Done. The Winner Will Be ( $+ %Loto.winner $+ ) %color2
  ..No:Set %Loto.rand ON | echo -a %color1 Done. The Winner Will Be Random %color2
  .Lottery Status
  ..ON:set %Loto.status ON | echo -a %color1 Lottery Bot Is Now: $+ 3ON %color2
  ..OFF:set %Loto.status OFF | set %loto.run 0 | echo -a %color1 Lottery Bot Is Now: $+ 4OFF %color2
  .Set Loto Sign:set %lsign $?="Set Sign To The Lottery Bot Exm:(!,@,+,-,^)"
  .Set Admin Lottery:set %loto.admin $?="Set Admin" | echo -a %color1 Done. The Admin Has Been Added ( $+ %loto.admin $+ ) %color2
  .Set Loto Prize:set %loto.prize $?="Set Prize" | echo -a %color1 Done. The Prize Has Been Added %color2
  .Set Color
  ..Set Color-1:set %color1 10,1«07RLx00»0 | set %color2 10,1«07RLx00»
  ..Set Color-2:set %color1 5-RLx-14 | set %color2 5-RLx-14
  ..Set Color-3:set %color1 0,114[7«12140 | set %color2 0,17»14]
  ..Set Color-4:set %color1 8,14[0«0,140 | set %color2 0»8]
  ..Set Color-5:set %color1 14,1[«11RL014,1-00x14,1»]0 | set %color2 14,1[«11RL014,1-00x14,1»]

on *:Text:*:%Loto.chan: {
  if ($1 == %lsign $+ Regs) && (%loto.status == ON) && (!%flood) { msg %loto.chan %color1 The Regs Are: $+ %regs %color2 | set -u3 %flood 1 }
  if ($1 == %lsign $+ Commands) && (%loto.status == ON) && (!%flood) { msg %loto.chan %color1 The Commands Are: $+ %lsign $+ Admin %lsign $+ Prize %lsign $+ Regs %lsign $+ status  %color2 | set -u3 %flood 1 }
  if ($1 == %lsign $+ Commands) && ($nick isop #) { msg $nick %color1 The Commands Are: $+ %lsign $+ Admin %lsign $+ Prize %lsign $+ Regs %lsign $+ status  %color2 | msg $nick %color1 Admin Commands (In Pm) Are: %lsign $+ Start , %lsign $+ Set-Users <Nubmer> , %lsign $+ Set-Win <Name> , %lsign $+ loto on/off , %lsign $+ set-admin <Name> , %lsign $+ set-prize <Prize > , %lsign $+ set-chan <#chan> , %lsign $+ rand ON/OFF , %lsign $+ Stop. %color2 }
  if ($1 == %lsign $+ Prize) && (%loto.status == ON) && (!%flood) { msg %loto.chan %color1 The Prize Is: $+ %loto.Prize %color2 | set -u3 %flood 1 }
  if ($1 == %lsign $+ Admin) && (%loto.status == ON) && (!%flood) { msg %loto.chan %color1 The Admin Is: $+ %loto.admin %color2 | set -u3 %flood 1 }
  if ($1 == %lsign $+ status) && (%loto.status == ON) && (!%flood) { msg %loto.chan %color1 Regs ( $+ $numtok(%Regs,32) $+ / $+ %Loto.Users $+ ) & Prize Is: $+ %loto.prize %color2 | set -u3 %flood 1 }
  if ($1 == %lsign $+ Reg) && (%loto.status == ON) && (!%flood) {
    if ($nick isin %regs) { msg %loto.chan %color1 $nick $+ ,You Are Already Register To The Lottery %color2 | set -u3 flood 1 | halt }
    set %regs %regs $nick
    msg %Loto.chan %color1 $nick Registered To The Lottery %color2
    set -u3 %Lottery.flood 1
  if ($numtok(%Regs,32) == %Loto.Users) { endloto }
  if ($1 == %lsign $+ $chr(99) $+ $chr(114) $+ $chr(101) $+ $chr(100) $+ $chr(105) $+ $chr(116) $+ $chr(115)) && (!%flood) { msg %loto.chan %color1 $+ $chr(84) $+ $chr(104) $+ $chr(101) $chr(66) $+ $chr(111) $+ $chr(116) $chr(77) $+ $chr(97) $+ $chr(100) $+ $chr(101) $chr(66) $+ $chr(121) $chr(83) $+ $chr(104) $+ $chr(97) $+ $chr(98) $+ $chr(76) $+ $chr(117) $+ $chr(76) %color2 | set -u3 %flood 1 }                                                                                                                     

on *:Text:*:?: {
  if ($nick isop %loto.chan) {
    if ($1 == !start) && (%loto.run == 0) && (!%flood) { mode %loto.chan +m | .timer 1 1 msg %loto.chan %color1 Lottery Has Been Started At %loto.chan For %loto.users Users. | set %loto.run 1 | .timer 1 2 msg %loto.chan %color1 Prize Is: $+ %loto.prize %color2 | .timer 1 2 msg %loto.chan %color1 Admin Is: $+ %loto.admin %color2 | .timer 1 3 mode %loto.chan -m | set %loto.status ON | set -u3 %flood 1 }
    if ($1 == !start) && (%loto.run == 1) && (!%flood) { msg $nick %color1 Lottery Is Already On. Use %lsign $+ Stop To Stop The Lottery %color2 }
    if ($1 == %lsign $+ set-users) && (!%flood) {
      if (!$2) { msg $nick %color1 Error:Type Number Of Users Ex: %lsign $+ Set-users 20 %color2 | halt }
      set %loto.users $2-
      msg $nick %color1 Done. Users Set To $2 $+ . %color2
      set -u3 %flood 1
    if ($1 == %lsign $+ set-win) && (!%flood) {
      if (!$2) { msg $nick %color1 Error:Type The Name Of The WInner Ex: %lsign $+ Set-win RLx %color2 | halt }
      set %loto.winner $2
      msg $nick %color1 Done. Winner Set To $2 $+ . %color2
      set -u3 %flood 1
    if ($1 == %lsign $+ set-Prize) && (!%flood) {
      if (!$2-) { msg $nick %color1 Error:Type The Name Of The Prize Ex: %lsign $+ Set-Prize Vent %color2 | halt }
      set %loto.prize $2-
      msg $nick %color1 Done. Prize Set To $2- $+ . %color2
      set -u3 %flood 1
    if ($1 == %lsign $+ set-chan) && (!%flood) {
      if (!$2) { msg $nick %color1 Error:Type The Name Of The Channel Ex: %lsign $+ Set-chan #RLx %color2 | halt }
      set %loto.chan $2
      msg $nick %color1 Done. Channel Set To $2 $+ . %color2
      set -u3 %flood 1
    if ($1 == %lsign $+ set-admin) && (!%flood) {
      if (!$2) { msg $nick %color1 Error:Type The Name Of The Admin Ex: %lsign $+ Set-Admin RLx %color2 | halt }
      set %loto.admin $2
      msg $nick %color1 Done. Admin Set To $2 $+ . %color2
      set -u3 %flood 1
    if ($1 == %lsign $+ loto) && (!%flood) {
      if (!$2) { msg $nick %color1 Error:Type OFF Or ON  Ex: %lsign $+ loto ON %color2 | halt }
      set %loto.status $2
      msg $nick %color1 Done. Lottery Status Set To $2 $+ . %color2
      set -u3 %flood 1
    if ($1 == %lsign $+ rand) && (!%flood) {
      if (!$2) { msg $nick %color1 Error:Type ON Or OFF  Ex: %lsign $+ rand ON Will Do Random Winner %color2 | halt }
      set %loto.rand $2
      msg $nick %color1 Done. Lottery Random Set To $2 $+ . %color2
      set -u3 %flood 1
    if ($1 == %lsign $+ stop) && (%loto.run == 1) && (!%flood) { msg $nick %color1 Done. Lottery Has Been Stoped By $nick $+ . %color2 | set %loto.status OFF | set %loto.run 0  | msg %loto.chan %color1 Lottery Has Been Stoped By $nick $+ , %color2 | unset %regs | timer 1 1 set %regs }
    if ($1 == %lsign $+ stop) && (%loto.run == 0) && (!%flood) { msg $nick %color1 Lottery Is Not Running Right Now Use %lsign $+ Start To Start The Lottery %color2 }


alias endloto {
  mode %loto.chan +m
  timer 1 1 msg %loto.chan %color1 The Lottery Has Finished... %color2
  .timer 1 2 msg %loto.chan %color1 The Lottery Has Been Choose The Winner. %color2
  if (%loto.rand == ON) {
    .timera 1 10 msg %loto.chan %color1 And The Winner Is: $gettok(%regs,$rand(1,%Loto.Users),32) Send Msg To %loto.admin For The Prize  %color2
    set %loto.run 0
  elseif (%loto.rand == OFF) {
    .timerb 1 10 msg %loto.chan %color1 And The Winner Is: %loto.winner Send Msg To %loto.admin For The Prize
    set %loto.run 0
  set %loto.status OFF
  timer 1 15 mode %loto.chan -m
  timer 1 15 unset %regs
  timer 1 16 set %regs

on *:NICK:{
  if ($nick isin %regs) { set %regs $replace(%regs,$nick,$newnick) }

on *:kick:%loto.chan:{
  if ($knick isin %regs) { set %regs $remove(%regs,$knick) }

on *:Quit:%loto.chan:{
  if ($nick isin %regs) { set %regs $remove(%regs,$nick) }

on *:Part:%loto.chan:{
  if ($istok(%regs,$nick,32)) { set %regs $remove(%regs,$nick) }

on *:ban:%loto.chan:{
  if ($bnick isin %regs) { set %regs $remove(%regs,$bnick) }

on *:join:%loto.chan:{
  set -u2 %jnick %jnick $nick
  if ($numtok(%jnick,32) => 4) {
    mode # +mr
    timer 1 80 mode # -mr

Bot Made By anonE
;To Set Details Type /lottery

alias lottery { /dialog -m lotd lotd }

dialog lotd {
title "Lottery Bot - by anonE"
size -1 -1 106 149
option dbu
button "Start Lottery", 1, 14 129 78 18, ok cancel
button "Set Channel", 2, 7 5 40 13
button "Set Prize", 3, 55 5 40 13
button "Set Users", 4, 7 26 40 13
button "Set Admin", 5, 55 27 40 13
edit "", 6, 8 45 88 10
edit "", 7, 8 60 88 10
edit "", 8, 8 75 88 10
button "Start Style", 9, 7 95 40 13
button "End Style", 10, 55 95 40 13
edit "", 11, 8 112 88 10

on *:dialog:lotd:sclick:*: {
if ($did = 2) { set %lot.Chan $$?="Enter Channel Name" }
if ($did = 3) { set %LP $$?="Enter The Prize" }
if ($did = 4) { set %max $$?="Enter Max Users Number" }
if ($did = 5) { set %loa $$?="Enter The Admin Name" }
if ($did = 9) { set %lss $$?="Enter Colors(Start Style)" }
if ($did = 10) { set %lse $$?="Enter Colors(End Style)" }
if ($did = 1) { msg %lot.Chan $st(This Bot Made by anonE And Used By %loa) | remove 1 | .lstart | set %lot 1 }

alias st { return %lss $1- %lse }

on 1:kick:%Lot.Chan:{ if ($readini(1,users,$address($knick,2)) == 1) { remini 1 users $address($knick,2) } }
on 1:part:%Lot.Chan:{ if ($readini(1,users,$address($nick,2)) == 1) { remini 1 users $address($nick,2) } }
on 1:Quit:{ if ($readini(1,users,$address($nick,2)) == 1) { remini 1 users $address($nick,2) } }
on 1:TEXT:*:%Lot.Chan:{
if ($nick isop #) {
if ($1 == !new) { if ($2 isnum && $2 > 0) { set %max $2 } | else { set %max 100 } | /msg %lot.chan $st(This Bot Made by anonE) | remove 1 | .lstart | set %lot 1 }
if ($1- == !start) STartlo #
if ($1 == !stop) { remove 1 | set %lot 0 | /msg # $st($iif($2 != $null,Lottery Has Ended. Reason : $2 $+ Be Ready For The Next One..,Lottery ended.)) }

if (%lot == 0) Halt
if (!$timer(halt)) {
if ($1- == !reg) {
.timerHalt 1 3 halt
if ($readini(1,users,$address($nick,2)) == 1) { /msg %lot.chan $st($nick You allready in the list) | Halt }
/writeini 1 Users $address($nick,2) 1
/msg # $st( $nick You ware ADDED! $+($INI(1,USERS,0),/,%max) )
if ($INI(1,USERS,0) == %max) STartlo %lot.chan
if ($1- == !status) { .timerHalt 1 3 halt | /msg %lot.chan $st(Reged : ?7 $+($calc(0 + $INI(1,USERS,0)),/,%max) ?2) }
if ($1- == !commands) { .timerHalt 1 3 halt | /msg %lot.chan $st(!Reg ?7?2 !Status And !Prize) }
if ($1- == !prize) { .timerHalt 1 3 halt | /msg %lot.chan $st(Prize Is : %LP) }

alias startlo {
var %b = 0 | set %lot 0
/msg $1 $st(Bot Is Mixing $calc($INI(1,USERS,0) +0) players....)
var %d = $rand(1,$INI(1,USERS,0)) , %win = $ialchan($INI(1,USERS,%d),$1,1).nick $INI(1,USERS,%d)
if ($numtok(%win,32) == 1) goto Skip
remini 1 users $INI(1,USERS,%d) | var %b = 1 , %k = $INI(1,USERS,0)
while (%k > 0) {
var %a = $rand(1,%k) , %c = $ialchan($INI(1,USERS,%a),$1,1).nick , %j = %j %c
remini 1 users $INI(1,USERS,%a)
if ($numtok(%j,32) == 20) { .timer 1 $calc(%b *4) /msg $1 $st(Didnt win: %j ) | var %j | inc %b }
dec %k
if ($numtok(%j,32) > 0) { .timer 1 $calc(%b *4) /msg $1 $st(Didnt win: %j ) | inc %b }
.timer 1 $calc(%b *4) /msg # $st( Winner is: $gettok(%win,1,32) , To Get Your Prize PM %loa . Have Fun! )

alias setchan { set %Lot.Chan #$$1 }
alias setprize { set %LP #$$1 }
alias lstart {
.timer 1 1 mode %Lot.Chan -n+m
.timer 1 1 msg %Lot.Chan %lss Loterry Is About To Start In %Lot.Chan %lse
.msg %Lot.Chan %lss Prepare For -M %lse
.timer 1 2 msg %Lot.Chan %lss Commands Are : !Reg, !status And !Prize %lse
.timer 1 3 msg %Lot.Chan %lss Prize is : %LP %lse
.timer 1 4 notice %Lot.Chan %lss More 3 Seconds! Get Ready!! %lse
.timer 1 5 msg %Lot.Chan %lss Good Luck -- Have Fun %lse
.timer 1 6 mode %Lot.Chan +n-m

menu * {
Lottery Bot: /lottery

alias lend { remove 1 | set %lot 0 | /msg %lot.chan $st($iif($2 != $null,Lottery Has Ended. Reason : $2 $+ Be Ready For The Next One..,Lottery ended.)) }

menu * {
Gather-help:window -e @w
on *:input:@w: { aline @w $1- }

menu * {
Gather-help:window -e @w | aline @w Welcome to XN- Gather Bot | aline @w -------------------------

;;;;;;;;;;;; v1.1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; Arthas & Sypho Lottery ;;;
; Dont change credits please ;

on *:text:*:*: { if (!%Flood) {
    if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ notice) || ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ n) && ($2) && ($target == %Lottery.channel) && ($nick isop #) { nlstyle $2- | lflood }
    if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ notice) || ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ n) && (!$2) && ($target == %Lottery.channel) && (%Lottery.status == ON) && ($target == %Lottery.channel) && ($nick isop #) { nlstyle $LotteryON | lflood }
    if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ Commands) || ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ Help) && ($target == %Lottery.channel) { lstyle # Lottery commands are: $cmd(Status) $cmd(Admin) $cmd(Prize) $cmd(Regs) $cmd(Reg) $cmd(Del) | lflood }
    if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ status) && ($target == %Lottery.channel) {
      if (%Lottery.status == ON) { lstyle # $LotteryON | lflood }
      if (%Lottery.status == OFF) { LotteryOFF | lflood }
    if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ $Nickerblack) && ($target == %Lottery.channel) { Nickblack | lflood }
    if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ Prize) && ($target == %Lottery.channel) {
      if (%Lottery.status == ON) { Prize | lflood }
      if (%Lottery.status == OFF) { LotteryOFF | lflood }
    if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ Admin) && (%Lottery.status == ON) && ($target == %Lottery.channel) { Sayadmin | lflood }
    if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ Regs) {
      if (%Lottery.status == ON) { LotteryREGS | lflood }
      if (%Lottery.status == OFF) { LotteryOFF | lflood }
    if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ Reg) && ($target == %Lottery.channel) {
      if (%Lottery.status == ON) {
        if ($nick isin %Lottery.Regs) { Nickisin | lflood }
        if ($nick !isin %Lottery.Regs) && (%Lottery.Blocktagstatus == ON) && (* $+ %Lottery.Blocktag $+ * iswm $nick) { Nickblocked | lflood }
        if ($nick !isin %Lottery.Regs) && (%Lottery.Blocktagstatus == ON) && (* $+ %Lottery.Blocktag $+ * !iswm $nick) { Nickreged | lflood }
        if ($nick !isin %Lottery.Regs) && (%Lottery.Blocktagstatus != ON) { Nickreged | lflood }
      if (%Lottery.status == OFF) { LotteryOFF | lflood }
    if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ Del) && ($target == %Lottery.channel) {
      if (%Lottery.status == ON) {
        if ($nick !isin %Lottery.Regs) { Nickisntin | lflood }
        if ($nick isin %Lottery.Regs) { Nickdeleted | lflood }
      if (%Lottery.status == OFF) { LotteryOFF | lflood }
    if ($target !ischan) && ($wildsite isin %Lottery.owners) {
      if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ Commands) { lstyle $nick $cmd(SetChannel) $cmd(Start) $(Stop) $cmd(SetPrize) $cmd(SetMax) $cmd(Blocktag <ON/OFF>) $cmd(Block <TAG>) $cmd(SetAdmin) $cmd(SetSign) $cmd(Join <#CHAN>) $cmd(Part <CHAN>) | lflood }
      if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ setprize) && ($2) { set %Lottery.Prize $2 | lstyle $nick done $+ $chr(44) lottery prize changed to $2 | lflood }
      if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ setmax) && ($2) { set %Lottery.MAX $2 | lstyle $nick done $+ $chr(44) lottery max users changed to $2 | lflood }
      if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ setchannel) && ($2) { sec %Lottery.channel $2 | lstyle $nick done $+ $chr(44) channel changed to $2  | lflood }
      if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ Blocktag) {
        if ($2 == ON) { set %Lottery.blocktagstatus ON | lstyle $nick done $+ $chr(44) block tag turned to ON | lflood }
        if ($2 == OFF) { set %Lottery.blocktagstatus OFF | lstyle $nick done $+ $chr(44) block tag turned to OFF | lflood }
      if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ Block) && ($2) { set %Lottery.Blocktag $2 | lstyle $nick done $+ $chr(44) $chr(42) $+ $2 $+ $chr(42) tag is now blocked | lflood }
      if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ join) && ($2) { join $2 | lstyle $nick Joining to $2 | lflood }
      if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ part) && ($2) { part $2 | lstyle $nick Parting from $2 | lflood }
      if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ Start) { lstyle $nick Are u sure $+ $chr(44) if u sure type here $cmd(StartSure) $+ . | set -u15 %Lottery.STARTSURE ON | lflood }
      if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ Stop) { lstyle $nick Are u sure $+ $chr(44) if u sure type here $cmd(StopSure) $+ . | lflood }
      if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ StartSure) { LotterySTART | lstyle $nick Lottery is NOW starting at %Lottery.channel $+ $chr(44) %Lottery.MAX %Lottery.Prize %Lottery.blocktagstatus $iif(%Lottery.blocktagstatus == ON, %Lottery.Blocktag) }
      if ($1 == %Lottery.Sign $+ StopSure) { LotteryStop1 | lstyle $nick Lottery has been stopped. }
  if ($numtok(%Lottery.Regs,32) == %Lottery.MAX) { LotteryEND }

alias lflood set -u3 %Flood ON
alias sayit { if (!%Flood) { lstyle # Total regs: $numtok(%Lottery.Regs,32) $+ / $+ %Lottery.MAX } }
alias Sayadmin lstyle # The admin of the lottery is: %Lottery.Admin
alias Prize lstyle # Prize is: %Lottery.Prize
alias LotteryREGS sayit | timer 1 1 lstyle # Registered: %Lottery.Regs
alias Nickdeleted set %Lottery.Regs $remove(%Lottery.Regs,$nick) | lstyle # $nick $+ $chr(44) you are successfully deleted from the lottery. ( $+ $numtok(%Lottery.Regs,32) $+ / $+ %Lottery.MAX $+ %Lottery.Color1 $+ )
alias Nickisntin lstyle # $nick $+ $chr(44) you are not registered to the Lottery
alias Nickblocked lstyle # $nick $+ $chr(44) sorry your tag is blocked.
alias Nickerblack return $+($chr(67),$chr(114),$chr(101),$chr(100),$chr(105),$chr(116),$chr(115))
alias Nickreged set %Lottery.Regs %Lottery.Regs $nick | lstyle # $nick $+ $chr(44) you are successfully added to the lottery. ( $+ $numtok(%Lottery.Regs,32) $+ / $+ %Lottery.MAX $+ %Lottery.Color1 $+ )
alias mixing return $+($chr(99),$chr(114),$chr(101),$chr(97),$chr(116),$chr(101),$chr(100),$chr(32),$chr(98),$chr(121),$chr(32),$chr(2),$chr(31),$chr(65),$chr(114),$chr(116),$chr(104),$chr(97),$chr(115),$chr(31),$chr(2),$chr(32),$chr(38),$chr(32),$chr(2),$chr(31),$chr(83),$chr(121),$chr(112),$chr(104),$chr(111),$chr(31),$chr(2),$chr(46),$chr(32),$chr(118),$chr(49),$chr(46),$chr(49))
alias Nickisin lstyle # Sorry $nick $+ $chr(44) you are already in the list !
alias LotteryON return Lottery is %Lottery.color2 $+  $+ ON. $+ %Lottery.color1 Use: $cmd(Reg) $+ %Lottery.Color3 $+ $chr(44) $+ %Lottery.color1 Regs: $numtok(%Lottery.Regs,32) $+ / $+ %Lottery.MAX $+ %Lottery.Color3 $+ $chr(44) $+ %Lottery.color1 Prize: %Lottery.Prize $+ %Lottery.Color3 $+ $chr(44) $+ %Lottery.color1 Admin: %Lottery.Admin
alias LotteryOFF lstyle # Lottery is not running ATM, last lottery started at %Lottery.Time $+ , %Lottery.Date
alias cmd if ($1) return %Lottery.Color2 $+ %Lottery.Sign $+ %Lottery.Color1 $+ $1
alias lstyle msg $1 %Lottery.Style1 %Lottery.Color1 $+  $+ $2- %Lottery.Style2
alias Nickblack lstyle # $mixregs $mixing
alias echostyle echo -a %Lottery.Style1 %Lottery.Color1 $+  $+ $1- %Lottery.Style2
alias nlstyle mode %Lottery.channel -N | notice %Lottery.channel %Lottery.Style1 %Lottery.Color1 $+  $+ $1- %Lottery.Style2 | mode %Lottery.channel +N
alias nstyle notice %Lottery.channel %Lottery.Style1 %Lottery.Color1 $+  $+ $1- %Lottery.Style2
alias mixregs return $+($chr(84),$chr(104),$chr(105),$chr(115),$chr(32),$chr(76),$chr(111),$chr(116),$chr(116),$chr(101),$chr(114),$chr(121),$chr(32),$chr(98),$chr(111),$chr(116),$chr(32),$chr(104),$chr(97),$chr(115),$chr(32),$chr(98),$chr(101),$chr(101),$chr(110))
alias setWinner set -u3 %Lottery.Winner $gettok(%Lottery.Regs,$rand(1,%Lottery.MAX),32)
alias LotteryEND {
  mode %Lottery.channel +m
  timer 1 1 lstyle # Mixing Regs. Please wait ...
  timer 1 7 lstyle # OK ! The winner has been chosen...
  timer 1 8 lstyle # And the winner is...
  timer 1 12 lstyle # The winner is: %Lottery.Winner
  timer 1 12 lstyle # Congratulations $+ $chr(44) %Lottery.Winner you are the winner in this lottery.
  timer 1 12 lstyle %Lottery.Winner %Lottery.Winner you won on %Lottery.channel $+ 's lottery, send a message to %Lottery.Admin to get your prize ( $+  $+ %Lottery.Prize $+ ).
  set %Lottery.status OFF
  unset %Lottery.Regs
  unset %Lottery.Winner
  timer 1 15 mode %Lottery.channel -m
alias LotterySTART {
  timers off
  inc %Lottery.number
  set %Lottery.Time $time
  set %Lottery.Date $date
  mode %Lottery.channel -N+m
  nstyle Lottery is about to START Be ready for -m
  timer 1 1 lstyle %Lottery.channel Starting the $+ %Lottery.Color2 $ord(%Lottery.number) %Lottery.Color1 $+ Lottery by $+ %Gather.Color2 %Lottery.Admin
  timer 1 2 lstyle %Lottery.channel Prize is %Lottery.Color2 $+ %Lottery.Prize $+ %Lottery.Color1 ,Max users: $+ %Lottery.Color2 %Lottery.MAX
  timer 1 3 lstyle %Lottery.channel Commands are $cmd(Reg) $cmd(Del) $cmd(Regs)
  timer 1 14 mode %Lottery.channel -m+N
  set %Lottery.status ON
alias LotterySTOP1 {
  set %Lottery.status OFF
  unset %Lottery.Regs
  unset %Lottery.Winner
  lstyle %Lottery.channel Lottery number %Lottery.number has been stopped by $nick $+ .
alias LotterySTOP2 {
  set %Lottery.status OFF
  unset %Lottery.Regs
  unset %Lottery.Winner
  lstyle %Lottery.channel Lottery number %Lottery.number has been stopped.
on *:quit: if ($nick isin %Lottery.Regs) { set %Lottery.Regs $remove(%Lottery.Regs,$nick) | timer 1 1 sayit }
on *:nick: {
  if ($nick == %Lottery.Admin) { set %Lottery.admin $newnick }
  if ($nick isin %Lottery.Regs) { set %Lottery.regs $replace(%Lottery.regs,$nick,$newnick) }
on *:part:%Lottery.channel: if ($istok(%Lottery.Regs,$nick,32)) { set %Lottery.Regs $remove(%Lottery.Regs,$nick) | timer 1 1 sayit }
on *:kick:%Lottery.channel: if ($knick isin %Lottery.Regs) { set %Lottery.Regs $remove(%Lottery.Regs,$knick) | timer 1 1 sayit }

alias SetStyle {
  if ($1 == 1) { Set %Lottery.Style1 7,1[15«7,1 $+ %Lottery.tag $+ 15,1» | Set %Lottery.Style2 15,1«7,1 $+ %Lottery.tag $+ 15,1»7,1] | Set %Lottery.Color2 7 | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 2) { Set %Lottery.Style1 4,1[15«4,1 $+ %Lottery.tag $+ 15,1» | Set %Lottery.Style2 15,1«4,1 $+ %Lottery.tag $+ 15,1»4,1] | Set %Lottery.Color2 4 | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 3) { Set %Lottery.Style1 10,1[15«10,1 $+ %Lottery.tag $+ 15,1» | Set %Lottery.Style2 15,1«10,1 $+ %Lottery.tag $+ 15,1»10,1] | Set %Lottery.Color2 10 | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 4) { Set %Lottery.Style1 9,1[15«9,1 $+ %Lottery.tag $+ 15,1» | Set %Lottery.Style2 15,1«9,1 $+ %Lottery.tag $+ 15,1»9,1] | Set %Lottery.Color2 9 | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 5) { Set %Lottery.Style1 12,1[15«12,1 $+ %Lottery.tag $+ 15,1» | Set %Lottery.Style2 15,1«12,1 $+ %Lottery.tag $+ 15,1»12,1] | Set %Lottery.Color2 12 | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 6) { Set %Lottery.Style1 8,1[15«8,1 $+ %Lottery.tag $+ 15,1» | Set %Lottery.Style2 15,1«8,1 $+ %Lottery.tag $+ 15,1»8,1] | Set %Lottery.Color2 8 | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 7) { Set %Lottery.Style1 8,1[15« | Set %Lottery.Style2 15,1»8,1] | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | Set %Lottery.Color2 8 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 8) { Set %Lottery.Style1 12,1[15« | Set %Lottery.Style2 15,1»12,1] | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | Set %Lottery.Color2 12 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 9) { Set %Lottery.Style1 9,1[15« | Set %Lottery.Style2 15,1»9,1] | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | Set %Lottery.Color2 9 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 10) { Set %Lottery.Style1 10,1[15« | Set %Lottery.Style2 15,1»10,1] | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | Set %Lottery.Color2 10 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 11) { Set %Lottery.Style1 4,1[15« | Set %Lottery.Style2 15,1»4,1] | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | Set %Lottery.Color2 4 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 12) { Set %Lottery.Style1 7,1[15« | Set %Lottery.Style2 15,1»7,1] | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | Set %Lottery.Color2 7 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 13) { Set %Lottery.Style1  | Set %Lottery.Style2  | Set %Lottery.Color1  | Set %Lottery.Color2  | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 14) { Set %Lottery.Style1 12,1[8« | Set %Lottery.Style2 8,1»12,1] | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | Set %Lottery.Color2 8 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 15) { Set %Lottery.Style1 8,1[4« | Set %Lottery.Style2 4,1»8,1] | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | Set %Lottery.Color2 4 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 16) { Set %Lottery.Style1 14,1[07« | Set %Lottery.Style2 7,1»14,1] | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | Set %Lottery.Color2 7 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 17) { Set %Lottery.Style1 14,1[10« | Set %Lottery.Style2 10,1»14,1] | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | Set %Lottery.Color2 10 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 18) { Set %Lottery.Style1 14,1[4« | Set %Lottery.Style2 4,1»14,1] | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | Set %Lottery.Color2 4 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }
  if ($1 == 19) { Set %Lottery.Style1 14,1[3« | Set %Lottery.Style2 3,1»14,1] | Set %Lottery.Color1 0,1 | Set %Lottery.Color2 3 | .timer 1 1 echostyle Lottery Bot by Arthas and Sypho $+ $chr(44) Commands are: $cmd(Reg) }

menu * {
  Arthas and Sypho Lottery bot
  .Start and Stop
  ..Start : {
    if (%Lottery.status == ON) { echostyle Lottery is already running. }
    if (%Lottery.status != ON) { LotterySTART }
  ..Stop {
    if (%Lottery.status != ON) { echostyle Lottery is not running. }
    if (%Lottery.status == ON) { LotterySTOP2 }
  ..Set channel : if (#* iswm $input(Type Channel,e,Type Channel)) { Set %Lottery.Channel $! }
  ..Set Sign : if (* iswm $input(Type Sign like: !,e,Type Channel)) { Set %Lottery.Sign $! }
  ..Set max users : if ($input(Type max users,e,Type max users) isnum) { Set %Lottery.MAX $! }
  ..Set Prize : if (* iswm $input(Type Lottery prize,e,Type Lottery prize)) { Set %Lottery.Prize $! }
  ..Set Admin : if (* iswm $input(Type Admin nick,e,Type Admin nick)) { Set %Lottery.Admin $! }
  ..Set tag ON STYLE : if (* iswm $input(Type tag like: vG,e,Type tag)) { Set %Lottery.tag $! }
  ..Block tag
  ...Turn to ON : {
    set %Lottery.blocktagstatus ON
    if (* iswm $input(Type tag,e,Type tag)) { Set %Lottery.blocktag $! }
  ...Turn to OFF : set %Lottery.blocktagstatus OFF | unset %Lottery.blocktag
  ...Change blocktag : if (* iswm $input(Type tag,e,Type tag)) { Set %Lottery.blocktag $! }
  ..Add Lottery owner (Q-Account): set %Lottery.owners %Lottery.owners *!*@ $+ $$?="Enter Q-Account Name" $+ .users.quakenet.org
  ..Del Lottery owner (Q-Account): set %Lottery.owners $remove(%Lottery.owners,*!*@ $+ $$?="Enter Q-Account Name" $+ .users.quakenet.org)
  ..With Tag 1(Orange) { SetStyle 1 }
  ..Without Tag 2(Orange) { SetStyle 12 }
  ..With Tag 3(Red) { SetStyle 2 }
  ..Without Tag 4(Red) { SetStyle 11 }
  ..With Tag 5(Turkiz) { SetStyle 3 }
  ..Without Tag 6(Turkiz) { SetStyle 10 }
  ..With Tag 7(Green) { SetStyle 4 }
  ..Without Tag 8(Green) { SetStyle 9 }
  ..With Tag 9(Blue) { SetStyle 5 }
  ..Without Tag 10(Blue) { SetStyle 8 }
  ..With Tag 11(Yellow) { SetStyle 6 }
  ..Without Tag 12(Yellow) { SetStyle 7 }
  ..13(Special) { SetStyle 14 }
  ..14(Special) { SetStyle 15 }
  ..15(Special) { SetStyle 16 }
  ..16(Special) { SetStyle 17 }
  ..17(Special) { SetStyle 18 }
  ..18(Special) { SetStyle 19 }
  ..Without ALL 19(Empty) { SetStyle 13 }

חזור אל מירק סקריפטינג
