יוצר: לא ידוע
גרסה: 1.0
תיאור: שולט ב- PsyBNC
הפעלה: כנסו למירק ולחצו במקלדת ALT + R, לחצו למעלה בצד שמאל File ואז New, תעתיקו את הסקריפט ותאשרו.
קוד: בחר הכל
on *:LOAD:{
if (%bncnick == $null) %bncnick = -psyBNC
if (%bncmsgname == $null) %bncmsgname = psybnc.msg
if (%bncserverininame == $null) %bncserverininame = psybnc.s.ini
if (%bncmsgpop == $null) %bncmsgpop = 1
if (%bncaidle == $null) %bncaidle = 1
if (%bncajoin == $null) %bncajoin = 1
if (%bncdcc == $null) %bncdcc = 0
if (%bncdccauto == $null) %bncdccauto = 0
echo -a loading psyBNC addon!
write " $+ $scriptdir $+ [ %bncserverininame ] "
.dialog -m psybnc.config psybnc.config
echo -a loaded!
on *:UNLOAD:{ unset %bnc* }
on *:LOGON:*:{
if (%bncnick == $null) %bncnick = -psyBNC
if (%bncmsgname == $null) %bncmsgname = psybnc.msg
if (%bncserverininame == $null) %bncserverininame = psybnc.s.ini
if ($server_info($server,ac) == 1) { .quote pass $server_info($server,pass) }
%ts = $server
on *:CONNECT:{
if ($server_info(%ts,modes) != $null) {
.mode $me $server_info(%ts,modes)
; this next line is only here so you can see the mode change reflected
.mode $me
aidle %bncaidle
autorejoin %bncajoin
autogetdcc %bncdccauto
dccenable %bncdcc
unset %ts
on ^1:text:You have Messages. Type /QUOTE PLAYPRIVATELOG to read your messages.:?:{
if ($nick == %bncnick) {
if (%bncmsgpop == 1) .timer 1 5 quote playprivatelog
on ^1:text:Starting playing log:?:{
if ($nick == %bncnick) {
dialog -m psybnc.msg psybnc.msg
if ($exists($scriptdir $+ %bncmsgname) == $true) .remove " $+ $scriptdir $+ [ %bncmsgname ] "
%bncredirect = 1
on ^1:text:Use ERASEPRIVATELOG to kill the log:?:{ if ($nick == %bncnick) { haltdef } }
on ^1:text:*sent a DCC File Send Request for File*Use /DCCGET*or /DCCGET S=*(SSL) to receive the file. (*).:?:{
if (%dccauto == 1) halt
.dialog -m psybnc.dcc psybnc.dcc
%file = $left($10,$sub($pos($10,.,$pos($10,.,0)),1)))
%nick = $1
did -a psybnc.dcc 3 $1 $24
did -a psybnc.dcc 5 %file
on ^1:text:Listing DCCs:?:{ if ($nick == %bncnick) { .dialog -m psybnc.pending psybnc.pending | haltdef } }
on ^1:text:End of DCCs:?:{ if ($nick == %bncnick) { haltdef } }
on ^1:text:*Listing Pending DCCs:?:{ if ($nick == %bncnick) { if (%bncdcc == 1) { haltdef } } }
on ^1:text:*End of Pending DCCs:?:{ if ($nick == %bncnick) { if (%bncdcc == 1) { haltdef } } }
on ^1:text:*DCC Send From*:?:{ if ($nick == %bncnick) { haltdef | did -a psybnc.pending 1 PROGRESS: $5 $nopath($remove($6,$chr(40),$chr(41))) } }
on ^1:text:*DCC Send Request*:?:{ if ($5 == to) { halt } | if ($nick == %bncnick) { did -a psybnc.pending 1 REQUEST: $6 $nopath($remove($7,$chr(40),$chr(41))) | haltdef } }
on ^1:text:*File*received.:?:{ echo -a --psyBNC file completed. type /dccsendme $nopath($6) to receive }
on ^1:text:*:?:{
if ($nick == %bncnick) {
if (%bncredirect >= 1) {
%received = $left($1-,$sub($pos($1-,:,3),2))
%from_nick = $mid($1-,$add($pos($1-,:,3),2),$sub($pos($1-,!,1),$add($pos($1-,:,3),2)))
%from_addy = $mid($1-,$add($pos($1-,!,1),1),$sub($pos($1-,$chr(41),1),$add($pos($1-,!,1),1)))
%message = $mid($1-,$add($pos($1-,$chr(41),1),2),10000000)
write_messages %from_nick %from_addy %received %message
if (%from_nick !isin $didtok(psybnc.msg,2,46)) did -a psybnc.msg 2 %from_nick
unset %received
unset %from_nick
unset %from_addy
unset %message
inc %bncredirect
alias get_next_msg_line { var %temp = $read($scriptdir $+ %bncmsgname, s, $1) | return $readn }
alias write_messages {
%temp = $get_next_msg_line($1)
if (%temp == 0) write " $+ $scriptdir $+ [ %bncmsgname ] " $1 $+ ! $+ $2 $+ ! $+ $3 $4 $5 $6 $+ ! $+ $7-
else write -il $+ %temp " $+ $scriptdir $+ [ %bncmsgname ] " $1 $+ ! $+ $2 $+ ! $+ $3 $4 $5 %6 $+ ! $+ $7-
alias read_messages {
did -r psybnc.msg 3
%temp = $get_next_msg_line($1)
while (%temp < %bncredirect) {
%temp = %temp + 1
%entry = $read($scriptdir $+ %bncmsgname,%temp)
%temp_m = $mid(%entry,$add($pos(%entry,!,3),1))
%temp_d = $remove($mid(%entry,$add($pos(%entry,!,2),1),$sub($pos(%entry,!,3),$pos(%entry,!,2))),!)
%from_nick = $left(%entry, $sub($pos(%entry,!,1),1))
if ($1 == %from_nick) did -i $dname 3 $did(3).lines Received: %temp_d $str($chr(160),12) %temp_m
unset %temp*
unset %from_nick
unset %entry
alias server_info { if ($2 == $null) return $ini($scriptdir $+ %bncserverininame,$1) | var %temp = $readini($scriptdir $+ %bncserverininame, n, $1, $2) | if (%temp != $null) return %temp | else return $null }
alias server_total { return $ini($scriptdir $+ %bncserverininame,0) }
alias sub { var %math = $1 - $2 | return %math }
alias add { var %math = $1 + $2 | return %math }
menu status,channel,query,menubar {
.config:.dialog -m psybnc.config psybnc.config
.dccs:.quote listdcc
.messages:.quote playprivatelog
dialog psybnc.msg {
title "You have new messages!"
size -1 -1 330 300
box "From:", 1, 5 5 320 290
combo 2, 13 26 100 65, drop
edit "", 3, 120 25 200 220, multi vsbar
button "Save all messages", 4, 170 250 100 20
button "Delete all messages", 5, 170 270 100 20
on 1:dialog:psybnc.msg:sclick:2:{ read_messages $did($did) }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.msg:close:*:{ unset %bncredirect }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.msg:sclick:5:{ unset %bncredirect | .quote eraseprivatelog | dialog -t psybnc.msg Messages removed. | did -r $dname 2,3 }
dialog psybnc.config {
title "psybnc config"
size -1 -1 500 200
box "servers", 1, 5 10 160 180
combo 4, 13 25 100 65, drop
button "add", 9, 120 25 30 20
button "rem", 10, 120 50 30 20
button "con", 11, 120 75 30 20
text "password:" 6, 12 50 80 20
edit "", 5, 12 65 80 20, limit 20
text "port:" 12, 12 90 80 20
edit "", 13, 12 105 80 20, limit 5
text "modes:" 7, 12 130 80 20
edit "", 15, 12 145 80 20
check "send pass on login", 8, 13 167 140 20
text "", 14, 45 70 80 80, center wrap
box "options", 20, 170 10 160 180
check "pop-up msgs on login", 21, 178 25 140 20
text "msg filename:", 22, 178 50 80 20
edit "", 23, 178 65 80 20
button "save", 24, 280 65 30 20
button "rev.", 25, 280 90 30 20
check "anti-idle", 26, 178 90 80 15
check "auto-rejoin", 27, 178 105 80 15
check "dcc-enable", 28, 178 120 80 15
check "autoget", 29, 260 120 60 15
text "psyBNC nick:", 30, 178 145 80 20
edit "", 31, 178 160 80 20
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:init:*:{
;read all the servers
; then put them in combo box
var %i = 0
while (%i < $server_total) {
%i = %i + 1
did -a $dname 4 $server_info(%i)
did -a $dname 23 %bncmsgname
did -a $dname 31 %bncnick
did -h $dname 5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,24,25,29
if (%bncmsgpop == 1) did -c $dname 21
if (%bncaidle == 1) did -c $dname 26
if (%bncajoin == 1) did -c $dname 27
if (%bncdcc == 1) {
did -v $dname 29
did -c $dname 28
if (%bncdccauto == 1) did -c $dname 29
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:sclick:26:{ %bncaidle = $did(26).state | aidle %bncaidle }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:sclick:27:{ %bncajoin = $did(27).state | autorejoin %bncajoin }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:sclick:28:{ %bncdcc = $did(28).state | dccenable %bncdcc | if (%bncdcc == 1) did -v $dname 29 | else did -h $dname 29 }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:sclick:29:{ %bncdccauto = $did(29).state | autogetdcc %bncdccauto }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:sclick:21:{ %bncmsgpop = $did(21).state }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:edit:5:{ writeini " $+ $scriptdir $+ [ %bncserverininame ] " $did(4) pass $did(5) }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:edit:13:{ writeini " $+ $scriptdir $+ [ %bncserverininame ] " $did(4) port $did(13) }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:edit:23:did -v $dname 24,25
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:edit:31:%bncnick = $did(31)
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:edit:15:{ writeini " $+ $scriptdir $+ [ %bncserverininame ] " $did(4) modes $did(15) }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:sclick:4:{
did -v $dname 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15
did -h $dname 14
did -ra $dname 13 $server_info($did(4),port)
did -ra $dname 5 $server_info($did(4),pass)
did -ra $dname 15 $server_info($did(4),modes)
if ($server_info($did(4),ac) == 1) did -c $dname 8
else did -u $dname 8
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:sclick:8:{ writeini " $+ $scriptdir $+ [ %bncserverininame ] " $did(4) ac $did(8).state }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:sclick:9:{
var %temp_server = $?="Address? ex: psybnc.nothing.org:2731"
if (%temp_server == $null) { unset %temp_server | halt }
var %temp_port = $mid(%temp_server,$add($pos(%temp_server,:,1),1))
var %temp_server = $left(%temp_server,$sub($pos(%temp_server,:,1),1))
if ($remove(%temp_server,.) !isalnum) { did -h $dname 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 | did -va $dname 14 That is not a valid server (contains !@#$ chars)! | unset %temp* | halt }
if ($ini($scriptdir $+ %bncserverininame,%temp_server) != 0 || $ini($scriptdir $+ %bncserverininame,%temp_server) == $null) { did -h $dname 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 | did -va $dname 14 That server already exists! | unset %temp* | halt }
%temp_pass = $?="Password?"
if (%temp_port !isnum) { echo That is not a valid port! | halt }
writeini " $+ $scriptdir $+ [ %bncserverininame ] " %temp_server pass %temp_pass
writeini " $+ $scriptdir $+ [ %bncserverininame ] " %temp_server port %temp_port
writeini " $+ $scriptdir $+ [ %bncserverininame ] " %temp_server ac 1
writeini " $+ $scriptdir $+ [ %bncserverininame ] " %temp_server modes +i
dialog -x psybnc.config
dialog -m psybnc.config psybnc.config
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:sclick:10:{ if ($?!="Are you sure?" == $true) { remini " $+ $scriptdir $+ [ %bncserverininame ] " $did(4) | dialog -x psybnc.config | dialog -m psybnc.config psybnc.config } }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:sclick:11:{ if ($?!="Connect?" == $true) { server $did(4) $server_info($did(4),port) } }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:sclick:24:{ if ($?!="Change the filename?" == $true) { %bncmsgname = $did(23) } }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.config:sclick:25:{ did -ra $dname 23 %bncmsgname | did -h $dname 24,25 }
dialog psybnc.dcc {
title "psybnc dcc send"
size -1 -1 320 120
text "The user below is attempting to send you a file:", 1, 15 15 300 20
text "Nick: ", 2, 15 40 40 20
text "", 3, 50 40 180 20
text "File:", 4, 15 60 40 20
text "", 5, 50 60 180 20
button "Accept", 20, 250 20 60 25
button "Accept SSL", 22, 250 50 60 25
button "Reject", 21, 250 80 60 25
on 1:dialog:psybnc.dcc:sclick:20:{ dccget %nick : $+ %file | dialog -x psybnc.dcc | unset %nick | unset %file }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.dcc:sclick:21:{ unset %nick | unset %file | dialog -x psybnc.dcc }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.dcc:sclick:22:{ dccget S= $+ %nick : $+ %file | dialog -x psybnc.dcc | unset %nick | unset %file }
dialog psybnc.pending {
title "pending dccs through the bnc"
size -1 -1 234 102
option dbu
list 1, 2 3 230 85, size
button "[ remove ] ", 2, 101 89 31 12, hide
button "[ get ]", 3, 81 89 31 12, hide
button "[ get/ssl ] ", 4, 114 89 31 12, hide
on 1:dialog:psybnc.pending:sclick:1:{ if (progress: isin $did(1).seltext) { did -v $dname 2 | did -h $dname 3,4 } | if (request: isin $did(1).seltext) { did -v $dname 3,4 | did -h $dname 2 } }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.pending:sclick:2:{ var %nickname = $gettok($did(1).seltext,2,32) | var %filename = $gettok($did(1).seltext,3,32) | .quote dcccancel %nickname : $+ %filename }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.pending:sclick:3:{ var %id = $remove($gettok($did(1).seltext,5,32),$chr(41)) | var %nickname = $gettok($did(1).seltext,2,32) | var %filename = $gettok($did(1).seltext,3,32) | .quote dccget %nickname : $+ %filename }
on 1:dialog:psybnc.pending:sclick:4:{ var %nickname = $gettok($did(1).seltext,2,32) | var %filename = $gettok($did(1).seltext,3,32) | .quote dccget S= $+ %nickname : $+ %filename }
יש למצוא גם: pastebin.php?mode=view&s=35