יוצר: לא ידוע
גרסה: 1.0
תיאור: נגן מוזיקה במירק
הפעלה: כנסו למירק ולחצו במקלדת ALT + R, לחצו למעלה בצד שמאל File ואז New, תעתיקו את הסקריפט ותאשרו.
קוד: בחר הכל
dialog mp3player {
title "Mp3-Player [/mp3]"
size 33 -1 137 118
option dbu
list 1, 0 28 137 70, sort size hsbar
button "Play", 2, 58 16 21 12
button ">|", 3, 110 16 26 12
button "|<", 4, 1 16 26 12
button "Stop", 6, 82 16 26 12
edit "Nothing is played", 7, 28 1 109 14, read autohs center
edit "00:00", 8, 0 1 28 14, read center
edit "", 9, 0 98 137 10, read
check "Pause", 5, 29 16 26 12, push
edit "", 16, 0 108 137 10, read
menu "Menu", 10
item "Set Directory", 11, 10
menu "Options", 12
item "Spam options", 13, 12
item break, 14, 12
item "Volume control", 15, 12
item "ID3 viewer", 17, 12
on *:dialog:mp3player:menu:15 {
if (!$dialog(vol)) { dialog -md vol vol }
else { dialog -v vol vol }
dialog id3viewer {
title "IDv3"
size -1 -1 79 73
option dbu
edit "", 1, 26 2 50 10, read autohs
text "Artist", 2, -2 3 25 9, center
text "Title", 3, -2 14 25 9, center
edit "", 4, 26 13 50 10, read autohs
text "Album", 5, -2 26 25 9, center
edit "", 6, 26 25 50 10, read autohs
text "Genre", 7, -2 38 25 9, center
edit "", 8, 26 37 50 10, read autohs
text "Channel", 9, -2 50 25 9, center
edit "", 10, 26 49 50 10, read autohs
text "Bitrate", 11, -2 62 25 9, center
edit "", 12, 26 61 50 10, read autohs
dialog spamopt {
title "Spam options"
size -1 -1 142 98
option dbu
box "Spam to", 1, 3 0 138 34
radio "", 2, 8 20 9 10
radio "", 3, 8 8 8 10
edit "#channel1,#channel2", 4, 64 20 72 10, autohs
box "Spam Message", 9, 3 34 138 51
edit "", 10, 11 42 122 10, autohs
text "Available identfiers : <title> , <artist> , <album> , <genre> , <mode> , <bitrate> , <year> , <length> ", 11, 6 64 133 18
button "Clear", 5, 55 52 37 8
button "Preview", 12, 95 52 37 8
button "Restore default", 13, 11 52 41 8
button "Save", 14, 107 87 33 9
check "", 15, 3 86 8 10
text "Enable spamming", 16, 12 87 48 8
text "All channels", 17, 17 9 49 8
text "Some channels", 18, 17 21 41 8
on *:dialog:spamopt:sclick:5 {
if ($did(10)) { .did -r spamopt 10 }
on *:dialog:spamopt:sclick:12 {
if ($did(10)) { echo -a $did(10) }
dialog vol {
title "Volume"
size -1 -1 78 34
option dbu
button "+", 1, 1 1 37 12
button "-", 2, 40 1 37 12
edit "", 3, 0 14 76 10, read center
text "Mute", 4, 9 25 25 8
check "Check Box", 5, 0 24 8 10
on *:dialog:vol:sclick:5 {
if ($did(5).state) {
/vol -pu1
else { vol -pu2 }
on *:dialog:vol:sclick:1 {
vol -p $calc($vol($insong.fname) + 3000)
did -ra vol 3 $vol($insong.fname)
on *:dialog:vol:sclick:2 {
vol -p $calc($vol($insong.fname) - 3000)
did -ra vol 3 $vol($insong.fname)
on *:dialog:vol:init:*:/did -ra vol 3 $vol($insong.fname)
on *:dialog:spamopt:sclick:13 {
did -ra spamopt 10 14Pla15Y14ing 15×4[14<artist> 4- 14<title>4]15×4[7A14lbum: 14<album>4]15×4[7B14it7R14ate:<bitrate> kbps4]15×4[7L14ength: <length>4]15 ×-2G£4X2 Mp04315-×
on *:dialog:spamopt:sclick:14 {
if ($did(10)) { hadd -m mp3.player spam.message $did(10) }
if ($did(2).state) { hadd -m mp3.player spam.channels $did(4) | hadd -m mp3.player spam.mode some }
if ($did(3).state) { hdel mp3.player spam.mode }
if ($did(15).state) { hadd -m mp3.player spam.option 1 }
else { hdel mp3.player spam.option }
dialog -x spamopt spamopt
on *:dialog:mp3player:menu:13 {
if (!$dialog(spamopt)) { dialog -md spamopt spamopt }
on *:dialog:spamopt:init:* {
if ($hget(mp3.player,spam.mode) == some) { did -c spamopt 2 }
else { did -c spamopt 3 }
if ($hget(mp3.player,spam.option)) { did -c spamopt 15 }
if ($hget(mp3.player,spam.message)) { did -a spamopt 10 $hget(mp3.player,spam.message) }
else { did -a spamopt 10 14Pla15Y14ing 15×4[14<artist> 4- 14<title>4]15×4[7A14lbum: 14<album>4]15×4[7B14it7R14ate:<bitrate> kbps4]15×4[7L14ength: <length>4]15 ×-2G£4X2 Mp04315-× }
if ($hget(mp3.player,spam.channels)) { did -ra spamopt 4 $hget(mp3.player,spam.channels) }
alias mp3player { dialog -md mp3player mp3player }
on *:dialog:mp3player:init:* {
var %rt $findfile($hget(mp3.player,directory),*.mp3,0,did -a mp3player 1 $nopath($1-))
unset %rt
on *:dialog:mp3player:menu:17 {
dialog -md id3viewer id3viewer
on *:dialog:id3viewer:init:* {
if ($sound($insong.fname).artist) { did -a id3viewer 1 $sound($insong.fname).artist }
else { did -a id3viewer 1 NA }
if ($sound($insong.fname).title) { did -a id3viewer 4 $sound($insong.fname).title }
else { did -a id3viewer 4 NA }
if ($sound($insong.fname).album) { did -a id3viewer 6 $sound($insong.fname).album }
else { did -a id3viewer 6 NA }
if ($sound($insong.fname).genre) { did -a id3viewer 8 $sound($insong.fname).genre }
else { did -a id3viewer 8 NA }
if ($sound($insong.fname).mode) { did -a id3viewer 10 $sound($insong.fname).mode }
else { did -a id3viewer 10 NA }
if ($sound($insong.fname).bitrate) { did -a id3viewer 12 $sound($insong.fname).bitrate KBPS }
else { did -a id3viewer 12 NA }
on *:dialog:mp3player:sclick:4 {
did -c mp3player 1 $didwm(mp3player,1,$gettok($nopath($insong.fname),1,46))
if ($did(1).sel > 1) {
did -c mp3player 1 $calc($did(1).sel - 1)
else {
did -c mp3player 1 $did(1).lines
on *:dialog:mp3player:menu:11 {
hadd -m mp3.player directory $sdir($iif($hget(mp3.player,directory),$v1,$scriptdir),Choose your mp3 directory)
did -r mp3player 1
var %xa $findfile($hget(mp3.player,directory),*.mp3,0,did -a mp3player 1 $nopath($1-))
unset %xa
alias playsong {
splay -p " $+ $findfile($hget(mp3.player,directory),$did(mp3player,1).seltext,1) $+ "
hadd -m mp3.player being.played.number $didwm(mp3player,1,$gettok($nopath($insong.fname),1,46))
did -ra mp3player 7 $sound($insong.fname).artist - $sound($insong.fname).title
did -ra mp3player 9 FileSize : $mid($calc($file($insong.fname).size / 1000000),1,4) MB / Duration : $asctime($round($calc(($insong.length) / 1000),0),nn:ss),none)
did -ra mp3player 16 Status : you are playing the $did(mp3player,1).sel $+ th File Out of $did(mp3player,1).lines Files
if ($uptime(server)) {
if ($hget(mp3.player,spam.option)) {
if ($hget(mp3.player,spam.mode) != some) { amsg $replace($hget(mp3.player,spam.message),<title>,$sound($insong.fname).title,<artist>,$sound($insong.fname).artist,<album>,$sound($insong.fname).album,<genre>,$sound($insong.fname).genre,<mode>,$sound($insong.fname).mode,<bitrate>,$sound($insong.fname).bitrate,<year>,$sound($insong.fname).year,<length>,$asctime($calc($insong.length / 1000),nn:ss)) }
else {
var %x 1
while (%x <= $numtok($hget(mp3.player,spam.channels),44)) {
if ($chan($gettok($hget(mp3.player,spam.channels),%x,44))) {
msg $gettok($hget(mp3.player,spam.channels),%x,44) $replace($hget(mp3.player,spam.message),<title>,$sound($insong.fname).title,<artist>,$sound($insong.fname).artist,<album>,$sound($insong.fname).album,<genre>,$sound($insong.fname).genre,<mode>,$sound($insong.fname).mode,<bitrate>,$sound($insong.fname).bitrate,<year>,$sound($insong.fname).year,<length>,$asctime($calc($insong.length / 1000),nn:ss))
inc %x
.hsave -o mp3.player " $+ $scriptdir $+ mp5.hsh $+ "
.timermp3 0 0 filler
alias filler {
did -ra mp3player 8 $asctime($round($calc(($insong.length - $insong.pos) / 1000),0),nn:ss),none)
on *:dialog:mp3player:dclick:1 {
on *:dialog:mp3player:sclick:2 {
if ($did(1).seltext) {
else { echo -a 2G£4X2 Mp043 7»« 2Make a selection }
alias playnextsong {
if ($did(mp3player,1).sel < $did(mp3player,1).lines) {
var %x $calc($did(mp3player,1).sel + 1)
did -c mp3player 1 %x
else { restartplay }
on *:dialog:mp3player:sclick:3 {
did -c mp3player 1 $didwm(mp3player,1,$gettok($nopath($insong.fname),1,46))
alias restartplay {
did -c mp3player 1 1
on *:mp3end {
did -c mp3player 1 $hget(mp3.player,being.played.number)
on *:dialog:mp3player:sclick:5 {
if (!$did(5).state) {
splay resume
else {
splay pause
on *:dialog:mp3player:sclick:6 {
splay stop
on *:dialog:mp3player:close:* {
.timermp3 off
splay stop
on *:load {
hadd -m mp3.player directory $sdir($iif($hget(mp3.player,directory),$v1,$scriptdir),Choose your mp3 directory)
on *:start {
if $exists($scriptdir $+ mp5.hsh) {
.hmake mp3.player 5
hload mp3.player " $+ $scriptdir $+ mp5.hsh $+ "
alias mp3 { mp3player }
יש למצוא גם: pastebin.php?mode=view&s=37